Production and Marketing
Production and marketing
Production Department comprises the following sectors Agriculture, Veterinary, Fisheries, Entomology and Vermin Control. The overall strategic thrust of the sector is to ensure sustainable and market oriented production, food security and household incomes in the District contributing to nation goals.
The Department mandate is to initiate, guide, support and promote production of livestock, Sil- Culture crops, fisheries, and apiary and ensure increased production and productivity while producing raw materials for supporting agro-industrialization. Use of the natural resources and to promote value addition, marketing for priority commodities within the district including, coffee, maize, diary, beef, fish fruits, and commercial insects.
The department performs the following programs using funds released by government as follows; facilitates agricultural extension staff to provide extension services on key priority commodities that support the agro industrialization drive namely, coffee, beans, maize, diary, poultry, fish, piggery and horticulture. Under the Agricultural Cluster Development project, Farmers are registered and enrolled under the e-voucher system with each farmer receiving inputs worth shs 450,000/= (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, Herbicides, tumplines, pics bags) supporting the maize, beans and coffee enterprises. Farmers are also supported with agro-processing and value addition infrastructure. Under the small scale irrigation project, farmers will be supported with mainly solar-driven micro-scale irrigation equipment for a maximum of 2.5 acres with co-funding of 25% of the project cost.